Man reaching out to touch the hand of God
“So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” — Gen 1:27

This series presents 240 of America’s most important founding documents, with introductions and illustrations. Each writing highlights, in the words of America’s founders, the principles that have shaped the oldest constitutional democracy in the world.

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Coming Soon

Foundations of Democracy in the United States of America
Foundations of Democracy in the United States of America
Foundations of Democracy in the United States of America
Foundations of Democracy in the United States of America


“This series ought to be read by everyone who is interested in the principles that created and underpin our democracy. Certainly, it deserves an honored place among the books that every Ambassador, Congressman, and Senator can turn to for support and strength in difficult times. The editors — Shawn and Lois Potter — have done a superb job of bringing together all the most important documents relative to the birth of our nation.” — Lawrence S. Eagleburger, United States Secretary of State, 1992-1993

“Shawn and Lois Potter’s new series is a valuable collection of original sources that should remind us of the crucial role religion has always played in these United States. It should be read by everyone who is convinced that faith and politics have never closely interacted in the American experience.” — John Farina, Ph.D., J.D., Senior Fellow, Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University

“Throughout the long stream of Chinese history, there have been many philosophers and politicians whose works of wisdom have become the common heritage of mankind. However, the kinds of personalities and thoughts that are included in this series can seldom be found in Chinese history. If an old country with an ancient culture like China wants to transform into a free and democratic modern state, its people should read these important writings.” — Harry Wu, Director, Laogai Research Foundation, and Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University

“As I read through the pages of this important series, I was struck by the overwhelming theme of the evolution of America’s philosophy — equality, human dignity, and freedom of conscience for all people everywhere — the very same values to which I have dedicated my life and work for the Dalit (untouchable) people of India. As we in India educate a new generation of Dalit children, may we use important reference books like these and others to show how the two largest democracies on earth — India and the United States — can work in tandem and harmony toward the same goals of freedom and emancipation for every individual in every nation, from every color, class, gender, and faith.” — Joseph D’souza, Ph.D., International President, Dalit Freedom Network, Secunderabad, India